Search Results
Black Hat USA 2013 - HOW CVSS is DOSsing YOUR PATCHING POLICY (and wasting your money)
Black Hat 2017 How CVSS is DOSsing Your Patching Policy (and wasting your money)
SecureNinjaTV Blackhat 2013 Josh Thomas - Kinetic Hacking
Black Hat USA 2013 - Revealing Embedded Fingerprints: Deriving intelligence - USB stack interactions
Black Hat 2013 - Owning the Routing Table - Part II
Tech Talk Teaser: Vulnerable ≠ Exploitable
TCP Injection Attacks in the Wild - a Large Scale Study
Dossing Around #3
ACM CCS 2017 - Economic Factors of Vulnerability Trade and Exploitation - Luca Allodi
Keep Everyone In Sync: Effective Approaches Borrowed from Open Source Communities
UCCSS (University of California Computational Social Science): Hilbert Intro2 Examples
2014-03-26 CERIAS - Why so CERIAS!? Why we're losing and what to do about it.